Tuesday, 8 February 2011

telling the folks

We told our parents of our tentative plans at the weekend which went better than expected. I was expecting them to be unhappy particularly as it would mean not seeing their grandchildren every week but they were actually quite supportive. For my parents it wasn't the first time I have mentioned wanting to emigrate and they had considered it back when I was little. What the process did do was make me think about why I want to do this. I am not unhappy as such with my life - have a fantastic hubby, two lovely kids, live in a 5 bed detached house in a small town, am surrounded by my family who help out lots. But (there always has to be a but) I do wonder if I could be happier as most days I feel like I am just marking time rather than really living. I know that is in part to the monotony of having small children and I do miss the challenges of my job.

In many ways things wouldn't be much different in New Zealand and probably would be harder with not having family nearby to help out but I think I would feel happier in myself. I least want to give it a try and see how it feels. I know I would miss everyone and I do worry about the impact on the children moving away from all that they know. It is just such an emotional rollercoaster at the moment - one minute I am convinced it is the best thing to do and then the next I come crashing down. Perhaps I will feel better about it when we get the process started and submit the EOI. Need to sort passports out for the little ones though before I can do that.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just wanted to wish you luck. As you've seen from my blog we are also on the move.

    I know exactly what you mean about feeling better in yourself - I'm hoping for the same thing. I'll be following your blog with interest!

